vineyard bird netting: Birds, Animals And Insects In The Garden

วันเสาร์ที่ 10 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Insects aren't the only things that can get into your garden and destroy all your hard work, or damage your crop. Birds and animals are also culprits, and dealing with them is not so easy. Birds, rabbits and mice, as well as larger animals like deer, sometimes call for creative prevention.Birds are hard to keep away from the garden, no matter what you do. And in many ways, birds can be an invaluable asset to your garden, finding and eating many bug and insect species that may otherwise harm your fruits, vegetables, flowers and shrubs. However, in some cases, birds can also cause damage, and that's when you may need to consider some type of bird control.The old standby, the scarecrow, will work for a few days, but then the birds wise up and get used to its presence. Gardeners and farmers must always move the scarecrow, even re-dressing it occasionally, in order for it to be effective. The same goes for the plastic owls that many homeowners use.Netting is the most common method of deterring birds away from your garden. Plastic netting is inexpensive and can be purchased, in some locations, in black, green and orange colors. You may opt to cover the entire garden, securing the netting to posts or poles, or you may cover only the fruits or vegetables that appear to be most vulnerable.Netting can be gently settled over budding shoots, small shrubs or over seedlings. Netting won't harm the birds, and will allow your young plants to mature.Other stubborn animals, like deer, rabbits, moles and mice, can be more challenging to keep out of your garden. Fencing works for some of the larger animals, but rabbits and moles, as well as prairie dogs, can burrow beneath the fencing to get to the garden. As with birds however, it's often beneficial to allow some animals into your garden, like hedgehogs, frogs and toads, because they will feed on other garden pests. The rest however, end up causing a lot of damage, not only to the plants, but also by digging up their roots.Anyone who lives in deer country knows they can jump a fence 10 feet high. Erecting such a high fence is impractical, but you may consider an electrified fence. Rabbits and prairie dogs are notorious at finding their way into gardens, and the most common methods of controlling them, including shooting and trapping, don't even make a dent in their populations. These stubborn animals need fencing to keep them out, but you'll need to bury one-inch mesh or chicken wire fencing at least 6 inches or more into the ground. In many cases, gardeners will also curve the mesh toward the garden area by 4-6 inches or more in order to prevent the animal from burrowing under the fence line and up into your garden.Cats act as a natural mouse or mice control, and are very effective in keeping your garden, house and yard mouse free. For more stubborn varmints like moles, you will need to trap them. These are perhaps the most difficult animals to keep out of a garden. Common methods to eradicate them include fencing, smoke and cramming things down their tunnels and holes. However, this only succeeds for a short period of time. They will dig new holes or tunnels as soon as you successfully block one or make another uninhabitable.Barrel traps are the most commonly used to trap moles. While this is a last resort for many gardeners, as moles are cute and part of the natural food chain, your ability to even grow a garden may be seriously hampered if you have a mole problem. Mole traps kill quickly and efficiently, and are placed into a mole run.To find the location of a mole run, draw a line between two molehills. By digging down into the soil, you will locate the tunnel. Place the barrel trap into the tunnel, and then cover with soil and mark the location with a peg or other marker and then check it every day, removing dead moles as they are trapped.Birds, animals and insects can get into your garden and destroy all your hard work, or at least damage your crop. Dealing with birds, and animals is not so easy. Birds, rabbits and mice, as well as larger animals like deer, sometimes call for creative prevention.Copyright © Larry Gildea, All Rights Reserved. [EXTRACT] Insects are not the only things that can come into your garden and destroy all your hard work, or crop damage. Birds and animals are also to blame, and deal with them is not so easy. Poultry, rabbits and mice and larger animals like deer, sometimes called creative prevention.Birds are difficult to keep away from the garden, no matter what you do. And in many ways the birds can be an invaluable asset to your garden, find and eat insects and insect species that could otherwise damage your fruits, vegetables, flowers and shrubs. However, in some cases, birds can also cause damage, and that's when you may need to consider some kind of bird control.The old standby, the scarecrow, run for a few days but then the birds get used wise and to their presence. Gardeners and farmers should always move the scarecrow, even re-dress from time to time, to be effective. The same goes for plastic owls that many homeowners use. Networking is the most common method of deterring birds away from your garden. Plastic mesh is inexpensive and can be bought in some places, black, green and orange. You have the option to cover the entire garden, secure the network of poles or pylons, or you can cover only the fruits or vegetables that appear to be most vulnerable.Netting can be mild outbreak gripped the budding shrubs or plants . Mesh will not hurt the birds, and allow young plants to animals mature.Other difficult, such as deer, rabbits, moles and mice, may be more difficult to keep out of your garden. Fencing works of some of the larger animals, but rabbits and moles, and prairie dogs can crawl under the fence to reach the garden. As with the birds however, it is often beneficial to allow some animals in your garden as hedgehogs, frogs and toads, as they feed on other garden pests. The rest however, end up causing great harm, not only plants but also the destruction of their roots.Anyone living in the country knows that deer can jump a wall 10 feet high. Erect a high fence is impractical, but you may consider an electrified fence. Rabbits and prairie dogs are notorious for finding their way into the gardens, and the most common methods of controlling them, including shooting and capture, or even make a dent in their population. These animals need stubborn fencing to keep them out, but will have to bury one inch wire mesh or chicken fence at least 6 inches or more in the ground. In many cases, gardeners also the curve of the mesh into the garden area for 4-6 inches or more in order to prevent the animal from burrowing under the fence line and into the act as a mouse garden.Cats natural control mice, and are very effective at keeping your mouse garden, house and garden free. For more stubborn pests like moles, you have to catch. These are perhaps the most difficult animals to keep out of a garden. Common methods include fencing to eliminate the smoke and stuff cluttering their tunnels and holes. However, this is only possible for a short period of time. New tunnels are dug holes as soon as you successfully block or do other tricks uninhabitable. Barrel are the most commonly used to trap moles. While this is a last resort for many gardeners, such as moles are beautiful and part of the natural food chain, including its ability to grow a garden can be seriously hampered if you have a mole problem. Mole traps kill quickly and efficiently, and placed in a mole run.To find the location of a moon race, draw a line between two mounds. Digging in the ground where the tunnel is located. Place the barrel trap in the tunnel, and then cover with soil and mark the location of an exchange rate or other marker and check it every day, eliminating dead spots as they trapped.Birds, animals and insects may come into his garden and destroy all your hard work, or at least damage the crop. Dealing with the birds and animals is not so easy. Poultry, rabbits and mice and larger animals like deer, sometimes called creative prevention.Copyright Larry Gildea © All rights reserved.

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