vineyard bird netting: Vineyard Grapes Pest Control

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 4 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Once your vineyard has been trellised, and your grapes planted and pruned, there are still many challenges to getting a good yield and a quality crop. A number of different pests can invade your vineyard, reduce production, and even kill your vines. Grape Diseases
Most diseases affecting grapes are types of fungi which seem to love grapes. As a grower, you will have to monitor your vines for any signs of infection. Black Rot will show as small reddish-brown spots 1/8 to 1/4 inch in diameter on the lower leaves, in early summer. The lesions develop a black border and a black pimple in the middle. Downy Mildew is extremely serious and will cause a large crop loss. Fruit clusters will be covered with a white growth in late spring. In mid summer it will show as 1/8 to 1/4 inch pale yellow lesions. Powdery mildew will show in mid summer as a white powdery growth on the top of the leaves. There are numerous other fungi and mildew of lesser importance. All can be controlled with a variety of different fungicides.Insects that Love Grapes
Vineyards provide a real feast for a number of insects so you must keep an eye out for them or the damage they cause. Grape leafhopper adults are orange-yellow with some dark spots and yellow lines on their wings. They feed on the leaves and you will notice yellow stippling along the leaf veins. The Japanese Beetles have a copper colored back and green neck and head. These bugs eat the entire leaf except for the vein so photosynthesis comes to a halt. Grape berry moths have a copper colored head and their wings are black with a pretty copper design. They lay eggs on the grapes and in less that a week the larvae hatch and bore into the grape.  Rose chafers are pale green to tan in color with reddish brown spiny legs. They eat the grapes and are found in late spring and early summer. All these insects can be controlled with various insecticides, but often the damage is minor if the insect population is not too large.Birds also Love Grapes
Birds are a major threat to your vineyard if they are a species that flock near harvest time and eat fruits and berries. European Starlings, American Robins, House Finches, and Cedar Waxwings are the biggest pests. Some birds such as Red-winged Blackbirds and Goldfinches are a big help since they eat insects and don't eat the fruit. There are a number of ways to scare the birds and this will work if it is done early when birds just begin to find your juicy grapes. If they start to flock and eating your grapes become habitual, you won't have much luck. Now about the only alternative is a large net placed over your trellis.In early spring, look for deer who love the new shoots. You will know you have deer problems if the deer high shoots are broken off roughly since deer lack upper incisors. If you have a large deer population, this can be a major problem. The most effective method is using odor repellents. The most effective scent is the coyote although human or dog scents will also work. Your other main alternative is an electric fence, or an 8 foot high standard fence.The whole secret to any of these pests is identifying the problem early and solving the problem before a lot of damage is done. If you can harvest 80-90 percent of your projected crop, you will have an outstanding year and can begin the crush with a smile on your face. [EXTRACT] Once the vineyard is trellised, and grapes planted and pruned, there are still many challenges to get a good crop yield and quality. A number of different pests can invade your vineyard, reducing output, and even kill their vines. Grape Diseases Most diseases that affect grapes are types of fungi that seem to love grapes. As a producer, you will need to monitor their vineyards to detect any sign of infection. Black rot appear as small reddish brown spots 1 / 8 to 1 / 4 inch in diameter on the lower leaves in early summer. The lesions develop a black border and black beans in the center. Mildew is very serious and result in greater crop loss. Fruit clusters will be covered with a white growth in late spring. In mid-summer is displayed as 1 / 8 to 1 / 4 inch pale yellow lesions. Powdery mildew will appear in mid summer as the growth of white powder on the top of the leaves. There are many other fungi and mold minor. All can be controlled with a variety of different fungicides.Insects that Love Grapes Vineyards offer a feast for a number of insects so you should keep an eye out for them or the damage they cause. Grape leafhopper adults are orange-yellow with some dark spots and yellow stripes on the wings. They feed on the leaves and you will notice yellow dots along the veins of the leaves. Japanese beetles have a new copper-colored and green neck and head. These insects eat the entire leaf except for the vein for photosynthesis stops. Grape berry moths have a copper-colored head and wings are black with a design quite copper. Eggs are laid in grapes and in less than a week the larvae hatch and bore into the grape. Rose chafers are green to reddish tan with brown spiny legs. They eat the grapes are late spring and early summer. All these insects can be controlled with various insecticides, but often the damage is less if the insect population is not too large.Birds also Love Grapes Birds are a major threat to his vineyard, in the case of species that come close to harvest and eat fruits and berries. European Starlings, American Robins, finches, and Cedar Waxwings are the main pests. Some birds, such as red-winged blackbirds and goldfinches are a great help, since they feed on insects and do not eat the fruit. There are several ways to scare the birds and this point if it is done early when the birds begin to find juicy grapes. If they start to meet and eat their grapes to be common, will not have much luck. Now about the only alternative is a large network is placed under trellis.In early spring, look for deer who love the new shoots. You know you have deer problems if high deer shoots break more or less from the deer lack upper incisors. If you have a large deer population, this can be a major problem. The most effective method is the use of repellent odors. The smell is the most effective coyote despite human odors or dog will also work. Its main alternative is an electric fence, or 8 feet high fence.The secret rule to any of these pests is to identify problems early and resolve the problem before a lot of damage already done. If you can harvest 80-90 percent of its projected harvest will have an exceptional year and can begin the agglomeration with a smile on your face.

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